Gareth Morgan, a businessman and philanthropist, has said that he is willing to pay the required $600,000 needed to meet the total of a campaign to buy an Abel Tasman beach.
“There is a pristine piece of beach and bush in the heart of the Abel Tasman up for private sale. Together we can buy it and gift it to NZ,” said the project, which is posted on Give A Little.
The idea came from Communitas, a Christchurch property company. If the project raises the target amount, the property will be given as a gift to the Department of Conservation.
See the project page here.
As of today, over $1.4 million has already been pledged, with over 22,700 backers.
Morgan said in a blog post that he would cover the remaining difference to reach the $2 million target. He however, said that he wants a part of the beach for his own use.
“I will guarantee that the public have access to the same extent that the current owner has kindly bestowed. But I will go further than that. I will undertake to give the property to DOC once my family has finished enjoying it,” he said.
“But I expect something in return – I want to use the property for my own private benefit meanwhile, just as the current owner does,” he added. “That way we don’t have politicians irresponsibly spending taxpayer funds, there is no risk of public access to this threatened sand-spit being denied, and the beach is guaranteed to end up in public ownership.”
The project will only pay the funds if the $2 million target is reaches. If it doesn’t, they will not charge your credit card.